Casual Side

Company Overview

Elegant Side

Membership cost $350 monthly subscriptions and VIP will be $1000 membership.

Own individual waiter for the night to make experience more in depth.

Live shows from recording artist, comedians, or professional entertainers.

Our goal is to make an experience that our guest will never forget and begin to fall back in love with their significant other. It will allow for more people to fill love again without interruption like going to the clubs or bars to find a mate. This is for people who already have found the love of their life and are now excited about the opportunity to date and love again. It is important to keep love alive in marriages ordained by God. We hope to provide a solution for a lot of marriages and engage customers in a totally different way.
We believe our pricing is very attractive to couples and will fit in with their needs for a complete solution for night on the town experience. We intend for couples for our couples to last forever and to keep love alive in every relationship. We plan on exploding to different locations in the upcoming years taking over a market that is under served and underappreciated. 16


We see an opportunity to fill a need for a night out without any issues from other clubs. We want to keep everything private and comfortable for our customers and members.
You may choose to organize it using some of the headings below.

Opportunity: WE see an opportunity to improve marriages across the USA?
Mission: The mission is to improve intimacy with marriages and couples across the world.
Your Solution: Create an environment safe and elegant with weekly adjustments in same location?
Market Focus: Our target market will be married couples and long-term relationships?
 Expected Returns: We would like to see more couples getting and staying married?